

 Chief Al Fear

Chief Al Fear joined the Lamar Police Department in July 2024 after a nationwide search. Fear is a proven leader and passionate about helping others succeed. His beliefs in transparency, accountability, innovation, and collaboration in leadership will serve him well in Lamar. Fear joined the City of Lamar from the Sterling (CO) Police Department where he was Commander of Police Operations where he supervised the day-to-day operations of the agency, handled community concerns and program development. Fear has a great deal of experience in community outreach, policy development and implementation, mental wellness, tactical operations, budgeting, contract negotiations, investigations, and training. He has held a variety of law enforcement positions including commander, director, academy instructor, special response team medic, investigator, and officer during his career. 

Along with his professional experience, Al has been a speaker at multiple events, won several honors and awards from the Department of Justice, and has media and community impact experience.  He is also a certified trainer in several organizational and law enforcement topics including explicit bias, peer support, suicide prevention, being an active bystander, defensive tactics, officer survival, and advanced leadership strategies. Fear has an Associate of Science in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor of Science in Organization Leadership, and is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command. 

Contact Al Fear

 Administrative Assistant Colleen Saldana

Colleen has been employed with the City of Lamar since November 2013. Colleen is the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police. As the Administrative Assistant, Colleen's duties include creating purchase orders, ordering equipment and supplies, and processing payroll as well as other responsibilities assigned by the Chief.

Contact Colleen Saldana